Discount FAQ Page
Are you eligible?
Maximum of 3 rooms.
All teachers and educational facility administrative personnel (includes colleges and universities) can take advantage of the TEACHER discounts. If you are a teacher with a certified teaching certificate, or you are employed in a school as an educational facility administrator you can take advantage of the TEACHER discounts.This would include teachers aides, substitute teachers, administrative staff, office staff, and custodians etc. These job types will require a Work ID or letter from supervisor on company letterhead stating employment or a recent Pay Stub.
Those eligible would be clients that have a valid on date of arrival Disney Annual or Premium Annual pass. You must present the pass at check-in to qualify for the discounted rate. Please note that proof of eligibility is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof at check-in will result in hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.
Those eligible would be clients that have a valid on date of arrival AAA membership card. Please note that proof of eligibility is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof at check-in will result in the hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.
Those eligible would be clients that have a valid on date of arrival AARP membership card. Please note that proof of eligibility is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof at check-in will result in the hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.
Those eligible would be clients that have a valid on date of arrival membership. Any membership from any market area is eligible for the discount. Please note that proof of membership is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof by showing Membership Card at check-in will result in hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.
All nurses and LPN Nurses can take advantage of the Nurses discounts. If you are a Nurse with a certified nursing certificate or you are an LPN Nurses with a LPN certificate you can take advantage of the Nurses discounts.
Those eligible would be clients that work for the government, whether it is national, State or local government. This includes firemen, police, and any other branch of the government national, state or local. It also includes foreign governments as well. Clients must have a valid government id or will you will require a Letter on official stationary from the supervisor along with a recent pay stub. You must present the id at check-in to qualify for the discounted rate. Please note that proof of eligibility is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof at check-in will result in hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.
For the military you can be active, in the reserves, or retired to qualify for the military discount. It also includes foreign military as well. Clients must have a valid government id or you will require a Letter on official stationary from the supervisor along with a recent pay stub. You must present the id at check-in to qualify for the discounted rate. Please note that proof of eligibility is required to receive any discount. Failure to produce such proof at check-in will result in hotel charging the full, regular rate for that room.